Car rental: the best companies to rent a car in Georgia

Car rental in Tbilisi is a popular way of moving in the country not only for tourists but also for the locals:
Here is a list of the companies that offer you car hire Tbilisi on the most beneficial conditions for you:
1.       Lion-Avtoprokat – is an international company, offers car rental with low costs.
2.       Hire-auto – is a local company. If you use the service of early booking, you will be able to get a car from $5 dollars. A great price for car rental for those who do everything in advance.
3.       Mimino rent – for everybody to rent a car in Batumi, Tbilisi and other cities of Georgia. Its main advantage is that if you prove that another car rental company offered you a certain car for a cheaper price than it stated on Mimino rent website, than the company makes the price on the same car less.
4.       Race – with its offer of 10% percent on every car on condition that you will pay the whole sum of a rent online, makes it one of the best companies for car rental in Georgia.
How to use services o Race company? Just click on the link  ( choose a car on your taste.


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